I remember when I got the z390 e the software worked fine for a few weeks then it got updated and it broke my RGB, the lights stopped working and devices kept vanishing, I reported it to Asus in there discord they said it was my mobo, I replaced my mobo from Amazon 3 times because they kept telling me it's my board and all the shit happening to me on the same boards because it's a fault. And if Asus reps see this, please get rid of this horrendous software and give us a simple RGB app that doesn't contain bloatware or things that affect our pcs performance.Īrmoury crate is like a hemoroid on Ur ass hole. 3* Asus still will have one more program running in the task manager called AsusCertService.exe, you can clean this now by using Revo uninstall pro, you need to list and force uninstall the file as this is not an app you can uninstall with Revo. This will clean up more of the Asus programs. 2* Asus armory create comes with bloatware and pre-installed programs that you don't need it leaves registry files even after you use the armory creat tool so you need to clean that up with another Asus tool, go here scroll to the bottom till you find AI Suite 3 Cleaner, download this. 1* go here click on show more download "Armoury Crate Uninstall Tool" use it then reset PC.

**STEPS** You have to use a tool on Asus armory crate or else if you uninstall it any other way even using Revo uninstaller it will gimp your PC and you will have to reinstall windows. Also, Armory Crate is ENABLED in every ASUS motherboard from the factory by default so if you have a new motherboard or have reinstalled Windows go into your bios and set this OFF so Armory Crate can't install into your motherboard as soon as you load into Windows. I will list the correct way of getting rid of this program for good if you happen to have it installed. If you try to Uninstall this program by using Revo uninstaller, it will literally gimp or brick your PC if not done the correct way. This software has been known to affect wifi, GPU performance, memory performance even crashing PCs, it also installs bloatware from other companies that have nothing to do with the components you have in your PC.

I found myself complaining so much about my Pc's performance after buying a 1000-dollar Motherboard from Asus and it being gimped out of the box from Asus Software. I am making this post for all the people I see complaining about Armory crate and its horrible effect on Asus products.