If you like Navigation Bar app don't forget rate 5 stars ★★★★★ or review. If you can't deactivate Device Administrator please try to restart your device to retry or send feedback to me to receive more supports. To uninstall the app you can click the button "Uninstall" in-app or go to "System Settings->Security->Device Administrators" to uncheck Administrator permission for Navigation Bar and after uninstalling Navigation Bar app same as normal way. ✔ If you activated Administrator permission for this app. Please wait for a few second to application initialize Service again and you can use it. This is necessary for features BACK, HOME, RECENT TASK, NOTIFICATION work. HUAWEI HiSuite is the official Android Smart Device Manager tool,HiSuite helps users to connect their HUAWEI smartphones and tablets to PC and perform. Click on the 3 dots on the extreme right to customize the toolbar. ✔ This app uses the Device Administrator permission to you can use the shortcut screen off on virtual Navigation Bar(this feature uses to lock the screen) Mobile Apps & Services You can customize the toolbar to show the actions /tools that you use the most. ✔ Double tap arrow move icon to quick open recent task ✔ Long press icon arrow moves to hide Navigation Bar after tap notification to show again. Hecking and tipsSoft keys home back button samsungsoft keys home back button settingssoft keys home back button not workingsoft keys home back button mi phon. and after enable Accessibility for the app. Navigation Bar will help to behavior easy with navigation bar on your device.

Authenticator works with any account that uses two-factor. Screen your phone or tablet too large, you need use a navigation bar but it is quite difficult. As a code generator for any other accounts that support authenticator apps.